After watching my video these are some of the comments that people had...
"The artist looks like Florence, from Florence and the Machine"
"The video is great, I like the costumes and the different locations"
" It looks quiet professional"
"The editing looks good, I like the layering of the two images"
"Personally my favourite part of the video is the frame that has the mirror and the artists face in it. It close to the end. I like it because the mirror frames the shot."
"The video is good however some of the lip syncing is out of sych"
"In some of the shots the it looks like the artist has forgotten her lines or does not know the lines"
While the feedback was not all great, I realised that my project was not going to be perfect and if I had retrieved the feedback earlier I would have been able to change it so that the problems did not occur. My intention was to put my work up on to Facebook, however I never put it up and therefore I have recieved only a limited amount of feedback from my audience.
Where is the actual evidence of these comments?