Conventions of a music video:
- Lip Syncing
- Various locations
- Performance
- Artist in the video
- Close-ups
My video has used the conventions of a normal music video in that there is still loads of lip syncing, various locations, performance and close ups. The performance however is more of the artist singing to the camera creating that moment of pleasure for the audience. We have also used the same editing process that all the music producers use when editing their music video, by doing this we were able to make it to the same standard that they are made in the music industry.
We have developed the idea of the various costume changes however in this video the artist keeps changing her outfit. This works well as she is wearing a new outfit in each new location, this was more of a coincidence that occurred when filming. We developed the idea of nature in our video, we did this by overlaying some of the images of the artist with some of the images of the different bits of nature that we filmed. By doing this we made the artist look powerful and spiritual.
We challenged the conventions of the genre by using the influence of Lady Gaga and her many masks that she wears covering her face. We decided to only have the mask cover her eyes instead of her whole face. The mask on the artists face gave an essence of mystery to her. We also challenged it by taking influences from two genres and putting them together to make one very different genre, by doing this our target audience becomes wider as it mixes two different genres together but still keeps the vital parts of both genres.
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